Submitted by Michael Pavan - Chair of the District 7080 Environmental Committee
The District Environment Committee (DEC) purpose is to inspire, build awareness and engagement within District 7080 for Rotary's Environment Area of Focus while acting as a resource, catalyst and service for the Clubs to support the development and implementation of their environment projects and initiatives.
The DEC is inviting all Clubs in our District to showcase their Environment projects at our Project Fair.  You don’t have a project yet?  Join us anyway to pitch your concept or just listen in to learn what other Clubs are doing to protect our Environment as Rotary’s newest and critically important cause.
This will be an interactive session to share ideas, get input and support for your project.  
Clubs participating in this session may also be eligible for incremental District funding for their projects in addition to other available funding!
Please join us on Tuesday October 19, 2021 at 7:00 – 8:30 PM Eastern Time 
Register in advance for this meeting: